This workshop is presented in conjunction with the New Normal keynote and utilizes its content. The half-day combination program provides your team with direct application of the tools to address your organization’s immediate needs, using YOUR current real-life examples. Your staff members seize actual opportunities for improvement as they learn and experience first-hand these techniques being applied by THEM to THEIR situations. During this powerful and highly-interactive workshop, they’ll …
- Learn the rules and process steps
- Collect a real-life List of Opportunities
- Select a “High-Value” Issue from their List of Opportunities
- Define the Issue
- Measure the Issue
- Analyze the Issue
- Develop a proposed Improvement Plan
- Develop a proposed Control Plan
- Develop a proposed Celebration Profile for the Small Wins AND the Project Completion
Each of the phases is facilitated by Bill as he guides your team through the steps to discover the power of this focused, methodical and easy-to-learn approach. Have you ever heard someone say “It’ll be a lot better when things get back to normal?” The truth is, today is the new normal. This workshop allows you to identify and take advantage of these “New Normal” opportunities.