Professional Leadership Bio

Bill Gormont has been leading corporate teams out of the organizational fog for over 25 years. He enjoys the privilege of speaking to organizations and virtual teams across the country. Bill helps them see their vision more clearly, develop increased confidence in their abilities, and reach levels of achievement previously thought impossible. His high energy and motivating presentations are a unique blend of life experience on the corporate battlefield, proven strategies, and fresh ideas to release the untapped potential within organizations.


Understanding individual team member needs and turning organizational confusion into clarity have defined Bill’s motivating story. Through the experience of transitioning chaotic situations into successfully focused missions, Bill learned the art of trust in organizational survival and the leadership value of a positive attitude. He has achieved success leading direct-line management configured organizations, the ever-growing virtual team concept as well as volunteers in community service organizations. The incredible results Bill’s teams have achieved have been the outcome of connecting each individual’s ambitions, skills and passion with the organizations needs, and celebrating their small wins and major accomplishments often and with sincerity.


In addition to his corporate technical team leadership positions, Bill’s leadership style and techniques have enabled him as Chairperson of Eastman Kodak Company’s Global Engineering Conference, Chairperson of the Rochester, NY Visitor Industry Council, President of the New York State Chapter of the National Speakers Association, President of his Rotary Club, District Governor for Rotary International and Chapter President of both the International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring 4 and the Society of American Magicians Assembly #47.


Technical Bio (the Left Brain)

Bill holds a BS degree in Electrical Engineering and a MS degree in Organizational Behavior and Engineering Management. He has applied experience as a Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award Examiner and a Six Sigma Quality Black Belt Practitioner. Additionally, Bill has extensive experience in product research and development, equipment commercialization, product manufacturing and international product safety regulatory compliance.


Magical Bio (the Right Brain)

Bill’s interest in magic began at age 10. Over the years, this childhood interest shifted to serious research and study into the ancient and modern performance of the Magical Arts. Corporations and organizations across the US and Canada have enjoyed Bill’s unique and professional blend of magic, illusion and fun. His performances include Universal City Studios, Paramount Pictures, Chrysler Corporation, Eastman Kodak, Xerox, Norwegian Cruise Lines, Holland America Cruise Lines, the Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA., Television Commercials, TV Guest Spots and more…


“The Event” – a.k.a. The Birth of Bill the Speaker

One day, Bill’s techy linear-thinking left brain collided with his artsy creative unbounded right brain and a “cerebral collision” occurred. “The Event” enabled him to creatively combine his leadership experience, magical talents and professional stage presence to deliver a high energy, memorable and motivating message in a way that teams across the country have used to successfully move their organizations forward to success.

Get on board the MOTIVATIONAL VISION experience and watch your organization become EXTRAORDINARY!


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